

Like the format on this one, and your use of dark grey/black which gives a different dimension. Love those houses :)

Lovely Louise, the colours are great. I love the 'black tulip'.

Thanks Lesley and Fiona... Fiona, that's a good idea for a title :)

This is really eye-catching, Louise - the beautiful palette, the strong composition and the tulips blending into the foreground - intriguing, clever and very elegant. Like everything about this piece!

So interesting so lively and so Louise - so I love it !

Lovely striking colours

I love the format and the black background...... just great!

Many thanks Seok, Michael, Yve and Avril. I really appreciate your comments!

Another great addition to your super portfolio, Louise. I agree about the title with Fiona "black tulip"! Super.

Another great painting Louise, beautiful colours

Beautiful design Louise. The black pathway leading up through the painting.

Thanks Mia, Petra and Carole!

I'm sure it's not the part that gave you most trouble, but I'm especially drawn to those subdued and at the same time hot reds in the distance - would that be Winsor Red, or something near it? Actually, I don't think it would, but I'd love to know what it was! Another intriguing design, and yes, what a good title The Black Tulip would be.

Spot on Robert, Windsor Red with Quinacridone Rd (one of my favourites)and probably some Permanent Rose mixed in. The bit that gave me the most trouble was the dark strip running up the centre. This was originally a pale bluey shade and then I accidentally splashed paint on it. I took the plunge and painted over it in a dark blue/black (Windsor Blue and Paynes Grey to be exact)) shade which altered the whole painting and lead me to overpaint the sky which was also originally shades of red and blue and also to overpaint the tulips in a dark colour to balance the whole painting. What a headache! I very nearly scrapped the whole thing!. At least it has a name now, ' The Black Tulip' it is, thanks to Fiona :)

I always enjoy your unusual stylistic pictures, but particularly like this one, perhaps because I like rows of buildings from a low viewpoint?

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolour 29 cm x 16 cm. Latest painting!

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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