Red Setter

Red Setter

Lovely coloured pencil/wash setter portrait Lin, lovely coat and great capturing of the facial details

Lovely portrait Lin the sheen on the coat is perfect, we had a red setter once named Jenny, quite a character

beautiful painting.

Always a sucker for a dog and this is a beautiful one.

Hang on Studio Wall

COLOURED PENCIL A4 size Winsor & Newton Med Grain Heavy Weight Cartridge Paper 220gsm Derwent Watercolour pencils, water brush background Derwent Artists Pencils Prismacolour Pencils

About the Artist
Lin Goodwin

Lin has always enjoyed expressing herself through words and pictures until life got in the way. In her teens she painted semi abstract dream like sketches inspired by record sleeve art by Roger Dean and Hypgnosis in her bedroom. She again took up Art in 2006 due to poor health and disability and…

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