Raven with Berry

Raven with Berry (17x22)

Thanks, Spencer!

Lovely variation of colour in the feathers. Very handsome birds aren’t they?

Thank you, Marjorie! Yes, I've always had a fascination with them.

Thanks so much, Martin!

You got him beautifully. Such clever birds.

Yes, great birds, and an excellent painting.

Beautiful bird painting Skylar, but I wouldn't like to be anywhere near that beak!

Hang on Studio Wall

I love these birds. 17x22. ArtRage Vitae, Wacom tablet.

About the Artist
Skylar Brown

Professional artist for more than 50 yrs. Retired, but still paint every day. Everything from Canvas to Digital (2D & 3D) BTW, if you, as an artist, find something interesting in one of my images, Feel Free to use it. Just Mention my name. As most of you know, I post mostly "Digital" images…

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