

Clever and I like the colour palette

Love the contrasts. Calm warm horizontal sky pierced by the vertical flags and angular busy cool tents in the foreground

This is very good Christine 🙂

Thank you for feedback. It really helps.

I really like this Christine! Lovely colour contrasts between the sky and the tents. An unusual view and very effective and well painted!

A lovely painting, clever.

Hang on Studio Wall

Evening light through the many colored canvases.

About the Artist
Christine Downs

Now aged 77 I returned to painting after a break of about 40 years. My daughter's wanted me to paint again and 5 years ago bought me some time in a studio which I couldn't ignore. I haven't looked back since. Previously, at college in the 70's I painted using acrylics. In 1980 I was commissioned…

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