Momentous personal moments

Momentous personal moments

Lovely portrait, Michael, and interesting and moving story.

Thanks Cesare. Many years ago I enquired about her through the Mother Superior at the Convent of Mercy in Newcastle upon Tyne. She told me Agnes had left the order and returned to ordinary life and that she often saw her in Newcastle city centre. She said she would pass my regards on to her when she saw her again.

Nice memory Michael and a good attempt from memory

A beautiful little portrait Michael and a lovely memory.

What happy thoughts and a lovely portrait. May I just add a small crit. Poor sister Agnes is cut off and floating in space . Sometimes it works to just continue with the painting down to the base and just use soft brush marks in the same colour it doesn't need to have detail....

Thanks Sylvia. It does look odd, you're right. I must have been engrossed in a mystical kind of experience when I did it where thoughts of Mother Theresa (presently in the news) and Agnes came in a kind of small Catholic statuette, you know, those little plaster ones you can buy with just the head and shoulders showing. An aside, I thought yesterday when Theresa was on the news, someone will be making a fortune from those holy statues which will be made now of her in the thousands.

What a beautiful story Mick, you must have been irresistible as a child too......your portrait is sensitive and warm which probably reflects the Sister's personality.

Thanks Fiona. Yes I was. Kind like you.

A lovely tribute to someone who obviously meant a lot to you, well done Michael.

Thanks Margaret. Yes she does. If she's still alive she may see this and contact me. I would love that.

Thanks Gudrun. There is. I hope you find plenty.

Hang on Studio Wall

Drawing ink. From memory. Sister Mary Agnes was my form teacher when I was about 8. I think she would have been about 21. I recall her in my momentous personnel moments because she was kind and she always made me feel special. An example was when she handed me a small wooden crucifix in tissue paper and told me to go to the presbytery and ask the priest to bless it. I did this and returned it to her. The next morning I came to school, she wished me happy 8th birthday and gave me the crucifix as a birthday gift. I still have it. That was 62 years ago but she is always in my thoughts.

About the Artist
Michael Mcmanus

I was born in 1946. In the 1960s and part of the 70s I was an airman in the Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm. I joined Durham Constabulary in 1971. In 1999 I retired from policing and began teaching sociology and criminology at Durham University with emphasis on policing and researching crime. I am drawn…

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