Losing the light after Stephen Kelly.

Losing the light after Stephen Kelly.

They say that imitation is sincerest form of flattery.

It is fantastic Stephen and I hope you’re flattered by my poorer copy.

Thanks Michael, hope you enjoyed doing the doodle.

It’s my best doodle Stephen.

This is spectacular Michael! Fantastic sky and silhouette.

Thanks Fiona. Copied it from Stephen’s image, it looked so impressive.

Hang on Studio Wall


About the Artist
Michael Mcmanus

I was born in 1946. In the 1960s and part of the 70s I was an airman in the Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm. I joined Durham Constabulary in 1971. In 1999 I retired from policing and began teaching sociology and criminology at Durham University with emphasis on policing and researching crime. I am drawn…

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