Bovisand Devon


I agree with you John, regarding your theory of watercolour being a out of body experience. The particular body part I’m usually out of, is my mind! I love the depth of colour and white spaces that sparkle in your watercolour. Wishing you a happy and peaceful time over the coming festivities, and on in to the New Year.

I agree with you too John and Fiona has also summed it up nicely. Anyway, this is very good and I like it!

Excellent picture John, Merry Christmas 🎄

Many thanks Stephen, Heather and Fiona 🙏🏼🎄🙏🏼

Awesome. Love it. Have a merry Xmas and keep posting next year.

Superb John. I have only seen your oil paintings which are tremendous too. Watercolours when those little miracles happen can be so satisfying. Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas Andrew and Scott, many thanks for your comments 🎄😊🎄

Sorry… Chris.. (not Scott 🤓)

Well John, I don’t think I’ve seen any of your watercolours before, but this is superb! Maybe get out of your body more often. 🤣Happy Christmas to you too!

I like your oils so much John, but the draughtsmanship in this lovely group is superb.

Hey Tessa, watercolour is such a lovely medium but I just got so involved with oils that I left it behind a little… could this be a New Year’s resolution?…..

Willie, that’s such a lovely comment! Thank you so much ☺️

Good use of colours, values and form.

A great coastal painting. I also agree with you and Fiona re watercolour. Seasons greetings and best wishes for 2024.

Many thanks Trevor! Delighted you like it 😊

Hey Spencer- many of hanks for you lovely comment! Best wishes for the new year 🤓😊🤓

Hang on Studio Wall

I hardly know what to do with watercolour these days but I find the painting process so satisfying- it’s like an out of body experience whereas, with oil it feels more physical. Anyway I went over to Devon, England on a family visit this weekend and thought I’d try a little coastal scene…. I wish you all well for the coming festivities if I don’t post again this year 🎄🤗🎄

About the Artist
John O’Neill

Born in Belfast in 1966 and a lifelong painter. A resident of Stavanger Norway between 2018 and 2021 with a UK base near Reading England and in Aberdeen, Scotland. Most recent work is Scottish landscape, urban scenes and contemporary Norwegian landscape, often working in oils or gouache, line &…

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