Hackney Reservoir 2020


You're very kind Jackie

Very appealing painting love the light so sharp and crisp.

Thank you Carole, it was such a hot day but the light and atmosphere were amazing.

Smashing painting, so much to like here

You're too kind Heather :)

Love those chimney tops against the lush foliage and your loose brushstrokes in the foreground. You’ve also done a super job on the houses John.

Thanks so much Carole, I really enjoyed painting it :)

I love your broad brushstrokes in this. I really like all your work John.

Thanks David, what a great comment

This combination of beautifully painted trees and the buildings with its "loose" work really brings out the foliage and the structures.

Thank you Sunil, I really enjoyed this one, I also liked the contrast in era of the buildings

Great example of how to make an ordinary subject look special.

Thank you Leslie, beauty is everywhere ;)

Hang on Studio Wall

In 2020 I was reserve...again!!! Wasn't needed so painted as a wildcard, boiling hot day and a great atmosphere. Maybe I should have painted the reservoir but I thought this was prettier.

About the Artist
John O’Neill

Born in Belfast in 1966 and a lifelong painter. A resident of Stavanger Norway between 2018 and 2021 with a UK base near Reading England and in Aberdeen, Scotland. Most recent work is Scottish landscape, urban scenes and contemporary Norwegian landscape, often working in oils or gouache, line &…

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