Colours of Autumn (Leaf Print)

Colours of Autumn (Leaf Print)

I love it Jenny, it would make a great fabric design!

Thank you, Christine, Dennis and Carole, comments much appreciated.

A lovely piece, Jenny, excellent composition, love the rich, sumptuous palette.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour leaf print. A second attempt at a leaf print painting - more colourful than the first, but maybe not as neat - it's a bit hit and miss as to whether the leaf print ends up on exactly the right spot on the paper! Still, had fun doing it.

About the Artist
Jenny Harris

I paint mainly in watercolour, often including other media such as pen and ink, pastel or collage. My main interest is in colour and design and most of my work is quite stylised and often illustrative. I enjoy experimenting with acrylic inks, particularly using cling film to create texture, and…

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