Cotswold houses

L and W Cotswold

Beautiful watercolour paintings

Really good pen and wash, greens handled really well and shadow good. A little more depth on the road foreground could work well.

Very nice indeed Jennifer

It’s excellent Jennifer, I really like your style of painting , I personally think it just right not overdrawn nor to detailed . I think as the the road a bit darker would help. I will get shot here by some people but a light Payne’s grey over the road surface might so it, just enough to make it look used .

You've captured the textures of the building and foliage very well, Jennifer. And you've handled the atmospheric perspective very nicely too. I wouldn't call this heavy at all.

Beautiful, Jennifer and I agree with Seok, not heavy at all!

Lovely watercolour, Jennifer!

Thank you once again David for your help. Much appreciated. Thank you Dixie for your tip about P.G.. I will try that. Anne C, Heather, Seok, Anne F and Cesare - many thanks for your helpful comments here. I love drawing and hope my L&W paintings will improve after all of your help. My thanks to you ALL.

Beautiful, I remember painting the same house as well

Thanks Romila. I took a few photos here to practice L&W, so expect a few more! Did you see the Black Swan on the stream? I'm going to try him sometime too.

Hang on Studio Wall

Another Line & Wash I would appreciate helpful comments on. I love to draw, but I think that I am maybe too precise with the drawing. This might be why I end up with a very heavy result?? Help needed here!

About the Artist
Jennifer Alsop

A self taught artist with a Science background in Botany and Zoology, and I began painting when I retired from my business. I have Exhibited my work at The Mall Galleries, London,on four separate occasions with the Society of Women Artists. I have Exhibited work at Patchings on four…

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