

Wotcher, Harvey.... He looks as if he's wondering what on earth you're doing.... I really fight with pastels, and have done nothing with them I yet dare show on the Gallery: I think I need some black..... I've got two sets, but no black in either of them.....

When I took the photo I think he was thinking that. Like you I really fight with pastels and to date have only successfully managed this one picture. It didn't help that the set I was using was a really cheap set so everything was covered in charcoal. I have treated myself to a new 'good' set as when I return to art class we are doing landscapes in pastels.

Harvey is a darling and your portrait of him shows how well you know him. He's got that 'What on earth are you up to now, Mum' look on his face which is charming and amusing.

Hang on Studio Wall

I did this pastel drawing for Jackson's art competition just for fun (I didn't get in the shortlist) because I was trying out pastels anyway. This is my dog Harvey.

About the Artist
Jacki Larcombe

I live in the UK and am 64, retired and going mad with my paintbrush. My head is full of paintings and ideas so I keep very busy. I go to a weekly art class, from which I have learnt so much. I also have two dogs who need walking so all in all enjoy my retirement very much. When it comes to art…

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