Norfolk crane

Norfolk crane

Lovely painting Jacqueline, nicely done.

Beautifully painted Jacqueline.

Very good Jacqueline

Hang on Studio Wall
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Hi everyone. Here's an acrylic painting from my own reference photo of one of two crane birds seen recently at Strumpshaw fen in Norfolk. I just wanted to capture the magnificence and uniqueness of these large birds. The shot was taken from a long way through the reeds, so I just went with that feeling. This was the first crane I've ever seen!

About the Artist
Jacqueline Smerdon

Hello, I’m Jackie. I’m an artist and tutor living in Norfolk. I create representational and experimental paintings inspired by the natural world around me. I’m largely self taught and now retired I’m enjoying taking some short courses and workshops. I work in watercolour, acrylic and oils. My…

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