To The Downs

Trees on Marsh 124

This is very atmospheric, like the touches of red. Well done!

I really like this, and if there's any justice in the world, it should sell. Yes, I agree with Peter Richards about those touches of red - if it were me, I'd be worrying about "are they in season, should they be there?", but the real artist ignores stuff like that and lets the painting decide what it wants: after all, who CARES if they should be there or not? Only neurotics: um.... that'll be me. Your painting is just brilliantly executed - I must have a wallow in your website.

ps - Just had a quite brief look at your Etsy shop: wonderful work, you need a Gallery to take you up, if you haven't already got one. If I had the wall-space, I'd buy this one myself. True, my tastes are for the wild, misty, windswept landscape, but I'm sure there are many like me; and anyway, that's not all you do.

A beauty!

Beautiful - Robert has summed it up perfectly.

Superb picture Chris 🙂

A superb painting that you have done a beautiful job of painting.

This is superb! Wonderfully painted!

This is so lovely. Your techniques are so effective and beautifully executed. Had a look at your gallery which is full of superb paintings Chris.

Excellent, your way of working is so effective!

Caught the misty atmosphere very well here Chris.

Superb misty and mystical atmosphere

A gorgeous atmospheric scene. I like the brooding clouds!

Sums up this winter so well!

Stunning artwork!! Very atmosphere and just so well executed, I’m so jealous as you have a talent and I don’t!🥲 Seriously a brilliant peace of work and I bet they sell! Superb!👍

Hang on Studio Wall

Across the wild and windswept Marshes to The South Downs

About the Artist
Chris Hill

I am based in Sussex and I am inspired by my local coastline, hills and marshlands. I use multi media - anything, really to get the effect that I want ! My work is available to buy as fine art prints on photo rag paper, here :

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