Brushpen drawing

Brushpen drawing

Barren patches!! Damn auto spell!!

change of media and/or technique can trigger that return. The interest in/of a new technique can overcome the loss of muse, confidence , inspiration and stimulate a renewed desire. In the meantime , an effective tonal sketch.

Don’t you love auto It happens to me all the time and spews out nonsense. You have created a nice space with your Brush pen , shapes and lights and darks . Go and look at your paintings from a wee while back and see how great they are. Or just roll over for a little while and take a walk on the wild side. It’s not gone Georgina just hiding .

Great tonal sketch, what you were doing was wonderful, do hope that your creativity soon comes out of hiding. Having a break and drawing will hopefully reinvigorate you.

I like this a lot and my suggestion, Georgina, although you haven't asked for it, would be to develop sketches like this into expressive charcoal or graphite drawings in their own right. I confess I react to the very, very slight suggestion ("…just drawing…") that drawing is secondary to the 'proper' work of painting. I've tried sketching with those acrylic markers which—as with the brush pens I imagine—force one to work in a more bold and expressive manner; no bad thing at all I believe. Also, in a post in the forum recently, I posted— I’m a dud firecracker I ain’t got no fuse I got no inspiration since I lost my muse I’m a table with two legs I’m a spider with five I’m going down slow muse, when will you arrive? (Muse Blues. Loudon Wainwright III. 1972) Keep on keeping on Georgina.

I think we can all identify with both annoyance with both auto spell and temporary loss of enthusiasm and inspiration. I find just the act of picking up a pencil or brush and doodling can get me going again. Must be hard for professionals who have that added burden of trying to paint stuff that sells!

I feel for you Georgina, to be blunt, it’s a bugger, there’s no other word for it! But, I always find something new is born from the death of the old....if that makes sense. It will come and it will be brilliant.....and it will be worth this I’ll send you something that always gets me out of the mire, it’s very simple but it starts me thinking and then the ideas start coming in, and then I can’t sleep! It may help. This is great by the way, so little to it but speaks volumes.

Sorry Georgina I can’t attach through the contact artist box, I can only comment.

Hi Georgina I've been looking at your painting and they are awesome, lovely subtle colours and full of depth. Personally I find that the change in seasons affect the type of pictures I do, how much light is available outside and inside the studio. I had a bit of a stutter when Autumn kicked in and it took me a week or so to get back in the groove, similarly with Winter, and now I'm sort of waiting for Spring, possibly why I am now in a fixation with ink. I think everyone can relate to where you feel you are. I think the trick is to either just do it until it feels right again, or chuck out the old and try something new.

Totally agree with Mike, this is super i think, Georgina

Thank you all for such lovely motivating comments. It is a bummer yes, and Justin I think you might be on the money there - this endless winter is really getting me down and I'm going back over all my paintings and they are all winter colours and its just seeming a bit samey at the moment. And yes John I"m with you, I've just spent a year studying drawing so I don't believe its second fiddle, but sadly my galleries won't take drawings so at the moment they are slightly second fiddle except my sketchbooks. I do believe though that sketching right now is the way forward, so I'm going to keep on doing that. I did a few paintings today...i'll post them in a bit. But they are still a bit 'meh'. hey ho, win and lose. Thank you. PS Fiona I'm intrigued - what were you going to send?

I bet it was ice cream, that often works for me

Ha ha Justin ice cream or chocolate would definitely have cheered me up!!!

Hang on Studio Wall

Ive hit rock bottom re painting right now...totally lost confidence in what I’m doing so I’ve done decided to try and turn back to just drawing a bit. Don’t know is where these barren people arch hes come from or what brings them on, but I wish it would give go away!!

About the Artist
Georgina Potter

I work fast and instinctively in oils, mostly from life or as a reaction to the landscape around me onto small canvas boards and then I often work these up into bigger paintings in my studios. I try to make every brush stroke matter so that I can be economical with detail, and I frequently rub areas…

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