Treetower Court


This certainly caught my eye George - Still Life and Interior. It obviously caught yours too, the way the light is falling….

Lovely expression of light and a very challenging subject, painted so skilfully George.

Simply superb.

A delight, so much to like about this

I don’t know this location! Lovely painting! Interesting corner.

This is a wonderful interior scene George.

Very well painted George.

A lovely little composition. I really like how you’ve shown the light and shadows.

Excellent picture George, very well painted.

Thanks for your very kind comments everyone.

Beautifully painted George.

Thank You very much Sandra.

Linda, Tretower Court (and Castle ruins) are near Abergavenny. The Elizabeathen Court (mansion) has been partialy renovated and is well worth a visit.

Love your choice of subject George- great artwork.

Thank You very much Shaun

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour on W&N 300 lb NOT paper

About the Artist
George Cutter

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