Purple & Yellow Pansies

Purple & Yellow Pansies

An absolute gem of a painting, I love it Carole.

wow......agree............amazing love the colours.....

Another of your wonderful flower paintings. Your mastery in the handling of the paint is awesome. Lovely.

We feel they look so lifelike.......feel like picking them ourselves & putting them in a vase.....love the colours in the painting......very well done.

Lovely Carole, good recession of background pushing front flowers into a 3D effect. Really well done.

These caught my eye immediately - my kind of subject. Perfect!

I don't usually like flower paintings but your control of paint in this is just superb. Such lovely flowers.

Thanks everyone, I needed your approval. Carole.

This is gorgeous!!

The colours in this painting are really striking . Love the details of the Pansies.

Thank you Nora and Lorraine.

Lovely, I like the texture and vulnerability of the stedmom flowers. And thank you for complimenting my watercolour called "quelquefois a Nice"!

Love this, especially because of the size and colours. I keep meaning to have a go a a large one myself ... one day!

Beautiful! Delicate yet colourful.

Such beautiful work Carole - sorry I have missed it. Dad died at Easter - struggling.

Thanks girls for your lovely comments. Thanks Jeanette. I have just looked at your inspiring website, left a note in your guest book. Love Carole.

You capture the true life of flowers beautifully, and this one is my favourite

Oh Carole! How beautiful this is !!

Love this one Carole & thanks for your comments.

This is really lovely Carole, you certainly made this watercolour "sing" and thanks for the comment on my picture.

Your pansies are lovely and lively! Mine haven't got onto this website yet.

Hoi Carole,thanks for your support,but i love also your kind of art.This painting is so nice.Geert Winkel

I realy like these.My mother would love me to paint some of her flowers from her garden not sure i have the skills yet though very nice indeed

Thank you all. Have a go Neil, you may surprise yourself, and sure your Mum would treasure it.

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour 19 X 13 "

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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