Pastel Rose

Pastel Rose

Been thinking I hadn't seen anything from you in a while, Carole! But it was worth the wait - this is just beautiful. Your colors and detail are just superb, and you've really captured the soft, delicate flow of the petals. It's a real winner!

Lovely rose and a really beautiful pastel Carole, I am plucking up the courage to have another attempt at my favourite rose but I find them so difficult, I thought I had better comment before you are swept of the front page by multiple postings, in just two days my last posting is somewhere around page ten now : )

It's great to be missed, thank you Seok for your kind words. Thanks to you William also. One painting takes me ages, don't know how some people are so prolific.

Absolutely lovely Carole. It took you ages ? It shows is your meticulous work I love the colours against the dark background. Re your comment. People aren't that prolific, they post a lifetimes work in one go! As for me, I spend so much time on this site looking at other people's work, I get hardly any painting done !!! Louise

Such a wonderfully soft and beautiful rose Carole!

A lovely delicate painting and I do admire you and other painters who master more than one medium.

This is equisite, Carole. The colours just sing and the black background is a perfect foil for them.

Carole, just found your rose. This is so beautiful; it kindles my desire to do something with pastel. I do not need to see a lot of stuff from you. One piece, which is absolutely breathtaking will make me happy for years...

A stunner, really delicate work but eye catching too.

Thank you everyone, you have cheered me up no end with your kind comments. Not done much work at all lately, but one of my photos set me off! Louise, that's my trouble too, I spend most of free time looking at others work and feeling inadequate!!

This is just stunning, Carole. I agree with Louise: looking for other people's works (and finding something beautiful) is like a full time job. Don't allow those multiple postings of rubbish by blown up ego's take you down. Look what happens to Kirstie (she deleted her whole gallery thinking she was not up to the standard by the mentionning of "agents, copyright and selling"). Do what you like to do (as I am too) and do not loose your self-confidence!! Your work is admired by a lot of the "wright" people!!!

Love it- so soft and delicate.

You are good at pastels too. Love the flow of the petals and leaves.

Carole your work is stunning.

Ditto Carole and Louise. Sad isn't it that our favourite past-time (apart from painting) is looking on here!!! lovely rose Carole. Yes I agree with above comments - it takes me ages to do a painting - I look forward with anticipation to putting it on here to get some valuable feedback and within hours it has disappeared to the middle of the bunch and nobody sees it to comment!!! then it will be another ages before I get another finished and the same thing will happen - disheartening at times! Oh well - there's worse happening in the world. keep painting Carole - lovely portfolio. Jx

I love this, such a delicate looking flower . Beautiful x

Hi Carole. saw your one liner today and decided to look back at your portfolios again. So many beautiful paintings. I am commenting here simply because I like pastel too, but really I could write some praise for each and every one. Great work.

Thanks very much. Judith thank you for your kind comment!

Top Class great colours but its the tonality which hits me My favourite flower is the evening primrose have you ever done one?

I thought I had replied ( baffled by the technology) Its the tonality most of all that hits me. Great

Beautiful rose Carole and so effective on dark paper. I like that myself. Lovely pastel work.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Pastel pencils (Derwent & Conte) A change from watercolour

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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