Just Another Day


Love the way that the figures seem to subsist in the environment, still connected with it though. How we should think of ourselves.

This I can really connect with Ellen . Lack of colour says so much.

Awe I get that works well though 🙂

Names mr look and think... like it.

Like it.

Thank you Fiona, Marjorie, Faye, Sylvia, Chris and Spencer for your lovely feedback. These were experimental, but I like the outcome. People often say what they can see in my abstracts, which is okay, I rather like that…but it’s sometimes miles away from my thought process when I painted it. I then started to look what I could see….then I saw figures, so I decided to paint purposely so I could see figures. So here we are….

Hang on Studio Wall
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My third in the series of using a limited palette. I’m enjoying painting these as I don’t know where the figures will appear until I’ve got the colours on.

About the Artist
Ellen Mooney

I work in acrylics. My style is abstract expressionism…..“I begin with an idea, then it becomes something else”….a quote by Picasso. I’m an Exhibiting Member of the Nottingham Society of Artists, where I regularly show my artwork in their exhibitions. Prize winner of the Holbrook Trust Award…

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