Across the reed bed, from the alder carr - Broughton wood.

Across the reed bed, from the alder carr - Broughton wood.

Terrific images, how you get these results from the assortment you list I ca'nt imagine but the end product is excellent

You are venturing above and beyond the call of duty into cold water, mud, and general loathsomeness, but the results you're getting are better and better - your last half dozen pictures in particular have shown real development in technique, richer colour, convincing texture and detail, and the thing I prize above most other things, atmosphere; even if your painting lacks a focal point or conventional composition, as some do, the shapes, energy and images render such things superfluous and irrelevant. Your paintings are not "pretty", but they are beautiful. I would ask what drives you to the lengths you're prepared to take, but imagine the answer lies in the results.

Hang on Studio Wall

Painted on scene. Watercolour, acrylic, ink and collage (alder and beech leaves). Sank up to knees in very cold, foul smelling bog-mud and developed mild trench-foot.

About the Artist
Steve Heath

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