as yet untitled

as yet untitled

An inspiring piece of art Diane. I love the depth of paint and texture, with some wonderful mark making.

Super painting, I like the way you've managed to create the textures

Lovely Diane.

I like this one alot !!

Fascinating shapes and textures Diane.

Like this very much Diane. Made with lots of feeling.

Fantastic, my cup of tea, love it Diane.

Another good one, Diane

Really like this, Diane, interesting textures and lovely colours.

A lovely bold landscape, Diane.

Thank you all for your comments, much appreciated.

Love this - your work is getting better and better in my view ... and you're so prolific too!

Really like this flow and use of colours and textures.

Thank you very much Heather and Gudrun.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic and black crayon on A4 watercolour paper.

About the Artist
Diane Boswell

"Trusting the process".

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