Mill Interior

Mill Interior

Interesting Derek, you have worked wonders on this painting.

Thanks Carole, gave myself a labourious task but pleased.

A remarkable and and well fought piece Derek well persevered love it

Thanks dennis, I did fight it for a while.

May have been a struggle Derek but the end result was worth it.

Cheers Ivan, Peter and Haidee

Just goes to show interest can be found in the unlikliest places Derek. Lovely job....

A super painting Derek, the struggle was worth it.

Thank you Jim and Margaret

I do admire your tenacity Derek and you've done a tremendous job of the whole series of curves and circles.

Something different and really well depicted Derek

What a super composition Derek..

So exiting and unusual Derek! Well done the shaky hands!

Well done for taking on this goliath task Derek - you certainly nailed it, its excellent.

Thank you Fiona,Michael, Sylvia, Satu and Sharon. That RH roller on the floor is poor in the ellipses.

This is awesome, Derek! I love the feel of this painting. It makes we want to poke around the dusty corners of the room and see what's up beyond the rafters. Hats off to you, sir !

Thanks Bob, now aiming to start a piece from a sketch, using more brushes if possible and see how that works out.

Your drive is an inspiration ! .... I don't mean where you put your car!!

ps thank you for your comment on my print! There will be more ....

Hang on Studio Wall

21 x 18cms on paper. No hiding here, set myself a challenge picking this subject from my pen and pencil sketches, knowing I couldn't achieve all the curves with cards and thinking I must try brushes although small ones. So the big shapes were using my cards, all the curves with a 0 brush. The curves have taken me over two not full days and I have gone over them and tweaked them several times with very shaky hands and fingers that want to do their own thing. Used my own colours.

About the Artist
Derek Snowdon

Eleventyeight as my hashing pals called my new age recently, it's supposed to sound better. Trying to paint every day in acrylics using only expired credit/debit cards, and partially succeeding as they're only for me and not show these days.

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