Christmas Shopping

Christmas Shopping

Not yet Dennis!!! lol I'm usually ready for Christmas, on boxing day! I get the feeling from your figures that they are hunched shouldered and are sick of the task the background especially that blue.

I really like this Dennis - great work.

Looks like you had the same weather we did - cold and miserable! Nice painting though...

A lovely painting Dennis, great figures

I know the feeling Fiona Many thanks David Matthew and David

I'm not going to think about the "task" Dennis, I just love the colours you used.

Lovely, busy scene Dennis.

Lovely work Dennis great painting love the colours I ignore Christmas completely, I like others to enjoy it but it bores me . If I'm not in pain mental or physical then every day is Christmas for me .lol

Many thanks Margaret very true Dennis

I hate the thought of Christmas shopping but this painting of itfar more pleasant. I really like the large shop windows.

An attractive piece of work. I like the lighting, dennis it gives a lovely atmosphere to the scene. Christmas shopping, dennis...already :)

Many thanks Diana and CA not me

You've captured the mood brilliantly Dennis and the madness has started here also , seems to get earlier every year

You getting out and about dennis. Good change of style too, but it really is too early for Xmas - for me.

Many thanks Dermot and Derek yes too early

Beautiful street scene, Dennis.

Has a semi abstract feel to it. The headless man on the right appears to be floating, too much pre Christmas cheer!

Many thanks Cesare and Stephen anything is possible in paint

Cleverly painted Dennis. I'm seeing the right hand side as a long shop window and maybe in a shopping arcade? The more I look the more I see . Lovely job!

Many thanks Sarah and Gudrun yes it is

Hang on Studio Wall

About the Artist
Dennis Rounding

Born 1953 it was a good day for the world. BA Hons fine art then PGCE. Had two one man shows Huddersfield and Wakefield and Mirfield. Fell ill 25 years ago but now paint small scale. All for sale To cut a long story short when seventeen to twenty one worked twelve hour shifts at Chemicals grinding…

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