Kelling Heath North Norfolk

Kelling Heath North Norfolk

Great invention, Dennis, wonderful colours and great atmosphere.

Thanks Cesare it was great fun being totally free of everything . I will try more

Looks great Dennis, lots of interesting texture in the foreground. The proportions of the figures give just the right amount of recession.

Thanks Sharon very much

The beautiful warm colours have produced a lovely atmospheric landscape Dennis. I do like the fork in the leading line. Adding my best friend is a nice touch. Great job.

Your knowledge and experience stands you in great position for beautiful invention Dennis a beauty

Interesting colours and I love the composition Dennis.

Thanks Henry this started as a load of colours every where then an idea comes from what you see from loads of random strokes then you can turn it into the image leaving plenty of the random colours showing through.

Love the subtle colours, great piece

Many thanks Alan comments most welcome

Thanks very much Glennis

Great textures achieved here - interesting composition as always in your work Dennis

Thanks a lot Lynne, comments most appreciated

Hang on Studio Wall

This is totally invented but as i went along it began to look like Kelling Heath so i turned it into it .

About the Artist
dennis roberts

I was born in 1948 . It was a great time to get born as everything was on the up . I have had an unusual and exciting life and done everything I shouldn't , however life is the greatest teacher of all and I have learnt some valuable lessons . I now enjoy painting and guitar playing . I go out with…

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