Cottage near Hayfield

cottage nr hayfield

Nicely done indeed David.

What a charming place and I like the combination of ink and watercolour David.

I agree with Carole - the colour really adds something. This is very eye-catching.

Chris, Heather, Carole and Bobbie - thanks very much for taking the time to comment so positively.

A strong and pleasing image with good tonal values. I like it very much David.

Thanks, Diane, much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

Cottage, near Hayfield. Watercolour added to a previous ink sketch.

About the Artist
David Whitehead

I have always loved the British landscape – walking in it, photographing it and now, since early retirement, painting it in watercolour. I prefer to paint in the field and have experienced all the difficulties the British weather can present to a painter, from the sun drying the paint on the…

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