Back of the Blackshore from Southwold Common

back of the blackshore

Like this a lot David

Good work, David. Clean and unfussy. And a good subject.

Good one.

Very effective!

Thank you all for those positive comments on what I now see as a rather soft focus photo !

Thank you, Spencer. Glad you like it.

Nice one again David.

Love those soft drifting clouds!

Thank you, Willie and Stephen. I do think wet in wet watercolour is the ideal medium for clouds. What are they made of, after all?

Hang on Studio Wall

Back of the Blackshore from Southwold Common. Watercolour added to a previous ink sketch.

About the Artist
David Whitehead

I have always loved the British landscape – walking in it, photographing it and now, since early retirement, painting it in watercolour. I prefer to paint in the field and have experienced all the difficulties the British weather can present to a painter, from the sun drying the paint on the…

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