Sophie - preparatory study

Sophie - preparatory study

Great work, Russell

Posted by T H on Sun 30 Sep 19:31:39

Superb and sensitive drawing Russell.

Wonderful drawing, Russell, and such an animated pose. You've caught her expression beautifully. Bri

Wonderful study, Russell.

This is a lovely tonal drawing, a great piece of work. I look forward to seeing the painting.

Great pose Russell, potential galore with this one.

A glorious piece of work, Russell.

what a brilliant study Russell superb tonal work the hair,face and folds in the clothing are well......superb

Thank you all very much for the lovely comments, they mean a great deal to me.

Just beautiful

Brilliant work Russell, I look forward to seeing the painting.

Just amazing Russell.

Beautiful drawing Russell.

Posted on Tue 02 Oct 09:00:27
Hang on Studio Wall

A3 pencil drawing, future painting will be full length if I plan it better than the drawing!

About the Artist
Russell Edwards

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