New haircut


He looks full of beans and very happy Christine. A beautiful portrait.

A lovely cheerful picture and the eyes are so well done.

Great portrait Christine - what a smile, not easy to do

You capture his personality so well, which is 90 per cent of portrait painting. Love the light in his eyes.

Such a happy smiley face Christine, love it !!

Fabulous portrait Christine, the exuberance of youth perfectly captured.

Many thanks all for such great comments- he has got a great smile and lovely eyes.

Hang on Studio Wall

All set for a new school year- new uniform ..and a new haircut. A4 pastelmat and pastels

About the Artist
Christine Rogan

From a young age as long as I had pencil and paper to hand, I’ve been happy. I have dabbled mainly with watercolour and in an effort to become more proficient joined local art classes. However since retiring I’ve had the opportunity (and time!) to try different media, and discovered a love of…

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