

Full of impact and quite disturbing too.

Yes, Heather, thank you for your comment. That's pretty much how I feel about what inspired me to paint this kind of image. Not exactly pretty but just something I wanted to express in paint.

Posted by Bob Hill on Tue 25 Jul 13:28:42

I agree with Heather. Fine work Bob.

Thank you Lewis.

Posted by Bob Hill on Tue 25 Jul 15:23:08

This is a foreboding image, Bob. I like it, however, not something I'd want to have invade my dreams.

Thanks Carol, I feel the same way.

Posted by Bob Hill on Tue 25 Jul 17:18:20

Thanks Russell.

Posted by Bob Hill on Tue 25 Jul 20:07:25

Thank you Spencer.

Posted by Bob Hill on Wed 26 Jul 07:04:00

Disturbing but well painted Bob.

Thank you George.

Posted by Bob Hill on Wed 26 Jul 11:27:15
Hang on Studio Wall

Inspired by an image from the 20th century and a speech about a dream.

About the Artist
Bob Hill

I paint anything urban, rural, industrial or coastal that interests me - mostly in watercolour at the moment. Before moving to painting, my main experience of visual art was via photography, so I tend to view things with a photographic bias! I'm not selling anything, I just paint for fun and theā€¦

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