Drive at Dedham

Drive at Dedham

Lovely painting Barry, you have caught the light well.

Thank you Margaret I really enjoyed trying to recreate the atmosphere and scene in paint.

Nice easy style about this one, Barry, I like the contrasting darks and lights and the well controlled tree shadows.

Lovely natural feel here Barry, as Willie has said, the cast shadows from the trees work well.

This one is a true fresh watercolour, Barry.

Nice light touch, fits the subject perfectly.

Love the colours, and splatters, and composition.

Thank you Willie, Stephen, Cesare, Margorie and Shirley for your kind words they are a real encouragement to me.

Lovely painting Barry I have to Dedham many times is this the drive to Dedham hall

Hi Dennis, this is the drive that runs almost parallel to the Dedham Hall and leads to the small commercial site. If you were to walk past the van and turn right you would be in the drive to Dedham Hall. I love it there, maybe I will see you there at some time!

That's a beauty Barry splendid shadows and to paint with John Hoar what a fabulous artist , you mentioned some greats for me it was always the brilliant Trevor Chamberlin

Thank you Dermot, yes Trevor is also a favourite we can but try to emulate their fantastic work!!!

Hang on Studio Wall

From a photo I took at Dedham whilst on a painting course with John Hoar. I liked the light cast by the trees. It is painted on Fabriano rough quarter imperial paper.

About the Artist
Barry Hulme

I started painting in 2004, I am influenced by Wesson, Seago and many of the great masters, more recently I enjoy the work of Steve Hall, John Hoar and Alvaro Castignet to name but a few. I paint in a loose style and try to simplify as I can. The medium I enjoy most is watercolour but dabble with…

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