My Lord and Saviour

20221116_104129 — kopia

I like this a lot. Not one normally for liking religious art, I have to say this is beautifully painted.

Beautiful painting especially for Christmas, well done.

Very good to see this reverent work, especially after the tv news saying there has been a large drop in the number of UK believers.

A wonderful painting and a strong Christian image. As Stephen said, it is good to see this after the comments regarding faith in the UK.

Thank you all. Perhaps this painting was created at the right time, to remind everyone, that there is something more, than the world we know and see everyday. Someone up there loves us and will take care of us if we trust in Him.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on canvas 30cm x 60cm

About the Artist
Barbara Kozyra

I am mainly a self taught painter and enjoyed painting and drawing from early childhood. Coloured pencils and a piece of paper were always my favourite toys. Started off with basic shapes I then tried to make my drawings more and more accurate as I wanted to be able to make realistic pictures. My…

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