A Simple Bouquet


It beautifully done Anne , the flowers are excellent, fir me the class vase stands out it’s particularly well drawn .

Your simple bouquet is so Lovely, Anne! Nicely painted!

Thank you so much, Faye, Paul, Manoj, David and Romila for your very nice comments!

Delightful pastel work.

Very nice indeed Anne

Aw, how beautiful. Simple and delicate.

Thank you, Chris, Heather, Carole and Jacqueline, for all your lovely comments!

What a beauty Anne, love the palette and the vase.

And a lovely one.

This is so beautiful and delicate Anne

Many thanks, Fiona, Diane and Carole -your nice comments are appreciated!

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel Pencil/Pastels

About the Artist
Anne Fletcher

I was born in 1940 in the Northeast and lived there for many years. I left school with "O" levels including Art, which I'd really enjoyed. Work, study and family life, meant that it wasn't until many years later that I started painting again. I went to various classes and joined art clubs when…

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