full moon

full moon

by the way, i think you may have duplicated this? 2 paintings the same? :-)

thank you so much... this is the god gift which is given by god... when i was in 10th standard i made this painting...

by mistake i uploaded same paintings 2 times.. i want to learn more about how to make good painting and how to use diffrent diffrent types of painting style...

acually this is the pic of my painting which was taken by my mobile camera...

wow, a mobile camera, this is a good photo of it :-) you are welcome, wow, so all these paintings you upload for us at the moment are from your childhood? They are amazing, i bet if you painted now, they would be outstanding :-p

there are many helpful artists on this site always ready to be helpful and give advice if you ask :-) perhaps have a look around, you see other paintings next to the one you uploaded on the front page of this website, maybe check them out and see their styles of artwork if you want :-)

do you get a lunch hour? if you do, you could do a 10 minute sketch or something :-p if you have a mobile phone, there are some art programmes you can have on the phone to play about with, maybe - daler rowney, but i am not sure. I am sure you may already know about this anyway :-)

thank you so much for this appreciation :-)) if u don't mind ...may i ask u something .. R u artist..??? DO u have uploaded any painting on this site....???

:-) am i an artist............ i would not call myself one, but i do have artwork on here :-p the limit for this site is 4 paintings per day, i upload 4 everyday because i paint so many paintings per day, i paint more than 4 per day. Look on the front page of this site, you will always see one of my paintings on the front page at some point during the day :-p today, i uploaded a lizard :-) there are far better artists on this site than me though, and you they can show you better techniques :-)

Ankit, we are all artists on this site but are all at are different stages of our artistic journey, some beginners and some more advanced. I think it is great that you have an open mind to other styles of painting, so my advice would be to have a look at all the paintings on this site and anywhere else you can find them. In the end you have to develop your own style, but I agree it is helpful to learn from accomplished artists. Take you time with each new painting and don't rush them as if you do you end up making the wrong decisions. Rebecca talks about turning out lots of paintings a day and that may be peculiar to her way of painting - I don't know. I wouldn't advise trying to do this in all honesty as I find that quality over quantity wins every time in my book. Just keep exploring painting and I am sure we will see lots more lovely work from you very soon. All the best.

Interesting watercolour Ankit. Lots to look at and good colour choice. You have a fascinating collection of paintings, all so different and all good! I'd like to see more as well and agree with Thea and Kirstie about spending time on each painting and not rushing them off!

rebecca saunders,Louise Naimian,Kirstie and Thea Cable thank u so much all of u... Now i will start painting again when i get time.... Now i will carry my painting kit when i will on company tour... pls suggest me some good painting book which help me out to make some good one and improve my Technic...

I don't actually think that you need any instructional painting books Ankit. You have a style and technique of your own. Just start painting again!

Ankit, I agree with Louise, you do not need books to learn. You have your own style already :-) it is good you have a painting kit with you, good. Perhaps you you may get a sudden feeling to paint? i can suddenly feel inspired at any time :-p If you are looking for inspiration, then the painting and drawing channel is free to view on the internet, http://www.thepaintinganddrawingchannel.co.uk/ and has many different artists demonstrating how to paint and draw, i cannot access it due to it being hosted by YouTube. But the channel is very inspiring, and sponsored by, The SAA (the society for all artists) you may like it :-) i do not know :-) I watch it on TV once a day when it is aired. may i ask.........What inspires you? :-) I am using a book at the moment to help me learn to draw better, and it is from the SAA, it is titled - Keys To Drawing, by Bert Dodson, and i do actually understand it, normally drawing/art books are too difficult for me to understand, but this is good :-) at the moment i am learning to draw a chair from a cube :-p you may like it, i do not know :-) and it may be too simple for you. Keep your painting kit with you at work too :-) perhaps you can do a very quick sketch of anything that inspires you throughout the day :-) ?

Hang on Studio Wall


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