Foxglove Bumble


Lovely - those wings are so well painted

Thank you Heather. Full credit must go to my old school friend Karen Turner whom I re-met recently at a reunion. She showed me some of the beautiful photos she’d taken in her garden and she allowed me to use this one as a reference photo for this painting. I flipped the image horizontally and cropped it to a square format. I like to interpret - rather than meticulously copy - any reference photos that I use. My aim is to capture the buzz of the bee rather than an accurate portrait! I am grateful to have been able to use Karen’s reference photo which showed the wings in such detail to allow me to confidently place them. Thank you so much for your comment and your interest over the series Heather, it’s been very much appreciated xx

Hang on Studio Wall

The fifth painting in the series ‘four pollinators and a dragonfly’. This one is 30 x 30 cms on cotton canvas panel, oil applied with a painting-knife. Thanks for looking! x

About the Artist
Andrea Hook

I’ve painted and sketched since early childhood and my favourite place was the garden, amongst the old fruit trees and raspberry canes. As a student, I studied for a degree in Visual Arts & Geography at Lancaster University and I worked for fifteen years as an illustrator and graphic designer in…

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