Blowsy Poppies - detail

Blowsy Poppies - detail

Love your complementary colours and your brush (or knife?) strokes.

Thank you Sandra :-) I tried a different initial approach this time. Instead of diving straight in on a blank support with thick paint applied with a palette knife and ending with some fine brush detail, I started with thinned paint and a big brush to roughly mark in the flower heads and dark and light areas of green. Then I went in with the impasto paint and the painting knife. It's on gessoed panel - which gives a really nice rigid surface from which to bounce the knife! Marks are also made by scraping back through the layers of paint while it is still wet. Thank you for commenting, much appreciated :-)

Hang on Studio Wall

Detail from a 50 x 50 cms work drying nicely on the easel!

About the Artist
Andrea Hook

I’ve painted and sketched since early childhood and my favourite place was the garden, amongst the old fruit trees and raspberry canes. As a student, I studied for a degree in Visual Arts & Geography at Lancaster University and I worked for fifteen years as an illustrator and graphic designer in…

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