Wouldn't hurt a fly

Wouldn't hurt a fly

Just wash the bird goop off the car, because it'll seep right through the paint and rust the metal beneath. Otherwise, don't waste your time. Painting is much more productive and useful.

he looks nice Andrea but I wouldn't like to get near him if I was a fly nice picture great title .

I quite agree with the bracketed text :) A wonderful rendition of a delightful little creature.

Thank you for your fantastic comments Robert, Dennis and Carol. Robert, your comment is spot on....painting IS so much more productive, and certainly more interesting! Thank you Dennis for your compliment, I am not too sure the frog liked having ME so near to him, he sat for me really nicely while I photographed him...at the time I did wonder if he would suddenly take off towards me..but he opted to make his escape with a huge leap into a large potted plant - stage left. Thank you Carol, it was lovely to see the frog out in the open, usually I only get a glimpse of his eyes peeping out of the pond. (Or maybe it's actually a she?)..

Definitely worth the distraction, Andrea. Delightful piece, beautifully done.

Thank you Gudrun for your comment. Yes, it was definitely more rewarding at the time to pick up a pastel rather than the hose pipe....but I did have to knuckle down and clean the car the next day (cue the rain) :) Thank you too Seok. I don't think it is as exotic as some of the wildlife you get in your garden and I have seen in your paintings though :) Lovely to hear from both of you.

Hang on Studio Wall

A pastel study of one of the regular frog visitors to our garden. (Otherwise known as Excuse Number 57 in the long list of reasons to get distracted and not actually wash the car again this weekend!).

About the Artist
Andrea Hook

I’ve painted and sketched since early childhood and my favourite place was the garden, amongst the old fruit trees and raspberry canes. As a student, I studied for a degree in Visual Arts & Geography at Lancaster University and I worked for fifteen years as an illustrator and graphic designer in…

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