Oak Trees Sharp Frost


This is excellent work and so eye catching. Superb use of limited pallet.

The frost is conjured up magnificently. Love the technique you have used by fading out colour Adrian.

Lovely use of watercolour Adrian.

Super watercolour Adrian.

Fantastic! Beautiful! As delicate as the frost itself Adrian. Exquisite work.

Be dreamy washes, love the palette.

Hang on Studio Wall

A recent watercolour demonstration painting for my Patreon Group painted with just 3 colours, Light Red, Ultramarine and Raw Sienna.

About the Artist
Adrian Homersham

I am a watercolour painter based on the South Manchester, Cheshire border. The aim of my work is not to represent the physical appearance of the landscape but to express my own emotional response to its space, light, movement and atmosphere. The majority of my recent work has been created using…

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