Maizie 14x10"

Maizie 14x10"

Oh, I love it! This is Midori's daughter, I love cows, especially yours! Moo! Aki :)

Ihaveacouple of horses on my dog walking route. They have lovely wet soft noses just like this.

Ta. Another gurt big snoot..... A friend of mine is, or was, a cow-man; not half-cow, obviously - he looked after 'em. They have moods, apparently; likes and dislikes - it would appear there's hardly a cow-man in the world who hasn't, at some point, had one of them dump on his head when milking.... I think of that sometimes, over breakfast....

Aki - thx. Sylvia... you know it's a cow right? Robert... I have lots of cows to photograph... one of the benefits of working in an Agri college.

Hang on Studio Wall

A tiny one done whilst cooking tea last night. Stir pan, dab paint, stir pan, dab paint etc... Yellow is System 3 Cad Yellow (Robert)

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Ade Brownlow

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