working at drawing

working at drawing

working at drawing

I am still finding that my energy levels are quite low and by the time that I have finsished all the jobs that need doing - washing up, ironing, cleaning , cooking etc - add to that the exercises given to get the hand and wrist working - I am left with little energy. My husband was a star when I first had the accident - doing everything after he came home from work so I feel that I need to do as much as I can - also my physio tells me that it is good to get the hand working again - I am amazed how stiff my wrist still feels and it is still a bit swollen so aches more now than it ever did but it is getting a better every day. I am reading a lot - my art magazines are a lifesaver at the moment - my head is buzzing with potential ideas - reading allows me the necessary rest I still need - when will I get my old energy back? - while still feeling I have a fingertip on art. I have managed a couple of drawings and have been surprised to find that I can view them subjectively. I know what could be improved but - a major difference - is that I can also see what is right. I haven't been drawing every day - which is my aim- by any means but feel that under the circumstances that is OK.
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