Why Illness Won't Keep Me From Painting!

Why Illness Won't Keep Me From Painting!

Why Illness Won't Keep Me From Painting!

Spent a wonderful day yesterday, choosing new paintings to work on, despite suffering from a nasty virus. Had it a week and Monday evening it peaked. Now Chas (wonderful husband) and I have an arrangement whereby we each have 2 days a week to concentrate on our hobbies whilst the other one looks after the household chores and doggy. Chas said "rest up tomorrow, darling choose a different day for your art". No way - I dosed myself up to the eyebrows and groaned my way upstairs to my "hub" - fancy name for my workroom. Tablets took effect until lunchtime and I immersed myself in my work. Now I know this won't work for everyone and it depends on the illness, but my goodness, I feel I won the battle. Today I feel better but so tired. Doesn't stop me going on my favourite site though - unfortunately for all of you. Happy painting, folks.

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Creativity always brings happiness and art heals everything.. I agree with both of you..

I agree John. Art is a great therapy and you don't have to produce a masterpiece. Anyway I like to think we all produce our own "masterpieces" whether other people like them or not! What say you?

You did exactly the right thing Adele. Because it would have held you down longer. I have a saying, "Art is a healing activity." I speak from experience I have seen it transform lives.