Who has more time to paint..? Men or women...?

Who has more time to paint..? Men or women...?

Who has more time to paint..? Men or women...?

Following on from my last blog,And trying to eek out more time to paint, I was wondering if men have more time to paint than women....? Is it just women who feel that the basic chores must be done before being able to paint,uninterupted...? Does the male brain feel this way too ? Ive tried many ways to set a target so that there will be time to paint....like....stopping whatever I am doing at Ten am and putting brush to paper....Going into the studio in PJ's straight from bed...Tea in hand...Putting on music so that you cant hear the door knock and the demands put on you...The sad truth is that nothing seems to really work....and I usually end up at the end of the day wishing I could have been more creative.What I would like to know is,does the male brain feel bad painting when chores need doing.....or how to get over this....? Any ideas welcome..!
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