What we do for art!

What we do for art!

What we do for art!

I'm writing this after spending the whole weekend trying to take a mould from a tree trunk for a project I've set myself over the summer holidays. Saturday good, sun out, gentle breeze to stop over-heating. Did a couple of test areas to see what would work, plaster went off nicely in the sunshine... chose area for the final mould and sealed with plaster. Sunday morning nice again. Decided because the area was so large that 3 moulds were needed, so set to work building clay walls. Then it began to rain, so first coat of plaster was mixed at high speed to get it on before lunch. Then it rained harder. Lunch break to dry off, then back out again in heavy rain and strong wind to build up the final layer of plaster, wearing Dad's wax jacket and hat! With Dad's help, managed to get final layer on, whilst running to and fro to get more materials, in rain, wearing coat which probably doubled my body weight! Now I have to wait to see if it's set (or collapsed in the night with the heavy rain!). Oh I can't tell you how crossed my fingers are...
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