Well, blow me down!

Well, blow me down!

Well, blow me down!

In my last blog I wrote about my entries to Patchings Festival this year, a much happier result than last year. Yesterday the results of the selection for the annual open, held by the Society of Women Artists at the Mall Galleries arrived. Last year I entered one painting - the result was a no, this year I entered 2 and one has been accepted (a lovely surprise) - lesson: keep trying! It helps that I live in London; I know that cost of travel is an issue for many in delivering and collecting work. I learned something that surprised me a couple of years ago, but on reflection it shouldn't have. One of my tutors has been selected twice for past RA summer exhibitions, and in the end was not hung on either occasion. I was astonished. I didn't know that this could happen, but when you think about it, how can judging panels possibly get the number and size of their selected hang absolutely spot on to fill the exhibition space? They must inevitably err on the side of caution, and so there will be a few disappointed artists. How sad though to have happened twice to one man at such an exhibition! Should this fate befall me this year at the SWA exhibition, I will console myself with my receipt, and the 'A' in the box for accepted. At least I feel that I'm making some progress, and that is important to me. Open exhibitions are not everyone's cup of tea, but I've always enjoyed viewing the results of the RA's Summer Exhibition, the Opens at the Mall Galleries, and at the RBSA, these being the main ones I've so far managed to visit. The work required to organize them must be colossal, I cannot begin to imagine what is actually involved. So..... I say thank-you to all the hidden faces doing all the work before and after we make our submissions, and I look forward to the summer season - even if I don't make the final cut, I know I'll enjoy the exhibitions, I'm eternally grateful for the vote of confidence and I'm taking nothing for granted!
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