Website Restored!

Website Restored!

My Isle of Wight Landscapes website is at last restored to an awaiting world. Lucky people...

Well thank God for friends. Even if they do live in Ireland for most of the year. My website was build by my friend Barry who, when he migrated to Ireland, had to leave me to run it. I managed to update it once, about a year ago, but it's lain in horrible, pixellated disuse ever since. UNTIL - he came back to the Isle of Wight for a visit. Naturally, I imprisoned him here, bribed him with Lincolnshire sausages, bacon, eggs, and copious quantities of Italian coffee, and tea, and let him loose on uploading my revisions to the host, and teaching me where I was going wrong. Had I thought this would be a simple operation, and I had made an elementary error, I would have done myself a bad turn: he had appalling problems - the synchronicity between the website-building software and my hosting company was not, shall we say, great. Language ensued (I hadn't realized either of us knew such words). We had to have recourse to online chat with the host company, in Canada I think. I rather lost track of where it was...... Three hours of "there was an error" messages later - we sort of knew there was an error: how about a hint as to where it might lie, hmmm? - and after young Aaron, our first responder, had been replaced by the older Samuels (hallo lads: recovered yet?) the fatal flaw was revealed. At last we were able to upload the revised site. Samuels instructed us to "Have a nice day" - just the teensiest bit late, to be entirely candid - and at last we sank back in relief: as presumably did he. Or in short, is not only back in all its glory, and considerably updated, all pixellation removed, new pictures on the Buy page (I'd go there now if I were you: don't hold back) and on the Gallery, but it will be updated on a regular basis now that I know what I'm doing (and more to the point, now that the settings have been saved). Could I have done this myself? I think not - I think I would have had to abandon the whole project and let the site die, because I do have a bit of a blood pressure problem, and I could feel it rising to dangerous levels; as it was, I'm only just recovering my equanimity a day later; and because of varifocal lenses my focus kept shifting when I tried it myself - the flaming password, the file transfer details, swam before my peering, squinting eyes. And I should have been very, very fed up. But it's done now: and this degree of industry deserves reward, so go and have a look, at least! Oh, and sign up to my blog as well, as below. Or I'm just wasting my sweetness on the desert air, as the poet has it (frequently, they tell me) and what's the good of that, eh? None at all. Off you go then. You know it makes sense.
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Thank 'ee, ladies: Ruth, I'm not sure that Mr Hardie here would have cared for a rat on his shoulder, so I left him out of this sketch - a sketch which grew, rather. And on top of the blood pressure issue, I've just had a weekend lost, more or less, to food poisoning - had it on Friday (dodgy fish and chip oil, of all things) soldiered (oh the bravery!) through lunch with my mother, sister in law, and brother on Saturday (I had to have the wine; everyone else was on soft drinks, but medicinally, I needed the wine; so I had it) and then ANOTHER lunch, with friends, on Sunday. I know you're impressed. I can tell. So far it's been porridge alone today, but I fancy I could tolerate a pork chop. What has this to do with art, you ask? Nothing. But we have to keep the artist going, don't we? Of course we do. So while I couldn't have touched gin and tonic over the last couple of days, dammit, I'm going to have a couple now. So this may be my last post ever: you just never know. Should I be Spared, I will finish my oil portrait of the above gent and post it under WIPs; if you see it there, you'll know I've lived. Should you not ..... dig out the best black clothing. I want everyone in black, and lots of weeping.

P C s are meant to try us......and web sites especially ,well done you and your friend for " sorting it" . I ,think of us older lot as almost pulling ourselves up by the boot strings re any sort of internet participation. Most of the kids these day don't know of any other way of communicating and for most of them it's second nature. You, like me remember shoving pennies in black boxes named A and B . Of course always trying the B box first to see if there was any forgotten change... I think B I G congrats are in order....oh and gin. Do remember to add it to your tonic.

Hi Robert! Love the bow tie! One thing is puzzling me....Where is Rattie? I have searched high and low for a hint of him, but none cometh up..."I seek him here, I seek him there. I seek that Rattie everywhere.....! " Love your lyrical, erudite Blog chatter....!