Walls and things

Walls and things

Walls and things

I'm loving writing this blog - it saves talking to myself. Managed to do about an hours painting yesterday. I have been working my way down the painting (which I do not like at the moment). I'm not sure why I don't like it. I keep telling myself that what I love about the photo I took was the door which I haven't painted yet, so hoping that it may appeal to me once I start painting the door. The good news is that I have the top score on the whole of We Sing, which is purely because I am the only one to use it. I was a bit concerned that I scored only 174 on Duffy's Mercy which is pretty worrying since my top score on Sting's Every Breath you Take was 8000 odd. Still it's ever so quiet in my street today so maybe there has been a mass exodus. I decided to treat myself to a shower with a Lush Shower Jelly that I got for Xmas. After losing most down the plughole, dropping it, standing on it and skidding across the bath I do feel revitalised and smell lovely of strawberries and vanilla - so does the bath, the curtain, the taps and the plughole. Does anyone know how you use those things. I shouldn't be doing this. I should be in Sainsburys, clutching my list and keeping my cool. I have no idea what it is going to be like today. I am fearing the worst. The kids are back tomorrow so I must play every Wii game I can before their return and try to find the missing one that my sister bought them for Christmas and has never been seen again. Will attempt some scraping back on my oil pastel as suggested Patsy then work on it a bit more
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