


Titian (Tiziano Vecellio) died on this day in 1576 at the age of about 86 (it being guestimated he was born around 1490 in the Italian town of Pieve di Cadore. Based on that date of birth he was only 21 when he painted his celebrated frescoes in the ‘Scuola del Santo’ in Padua. Later, he concentrated more on portraits often painting women with red hair. So closely associated with his work was this colour that it's passed down to us a Titian, one of the few examples of a colour named after an artist (Perhaps the other best known example being van Dyke Brown after the Flemish painter - not the Mary Poppins actor as my youngest daughter once thought!). For a more detailed view of Titian his life and works I would strongly recommend visiting http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/artists/titian Please visit my on line shop at http://www.zazzle.co.uk/ballantineart
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