Throw those curtains wide

Throw those curtains wide

After nearly 10 days of careful rendering, Julie Ann Maguire's coloured pencil work-in-progress leaves her Derwent drawing board to take its rightful place in her online portfolio. From her suburban art jam and corner-of-artistic excellence, she has added layer-upon-layer, giving this finished piece enough TLC to place it into the Fine Art category of CP

Dear Art World After 10 days of rendering, in between the housework, chores, working and looking after the family, my new CP piece of art has finally come to fruition. I'm pleased to say it has left the Derwent drawing board, only to be replaced by a series of graphite cards entitled, Post Cards from Eire. More later about that. As you may gather, most of my pieces tell a story and my style is very much illustrative with a strong narrative running through them - this has to be so, otherwise I wouldn't be inspired to draw them as subjects. About Sibling Farewell - Derwent Coloursoft and Mitsubishi Posca White Water Soluble Marker on Daler-Rowney 160g Pastel: Rachel Bateman is a Health Visitor Support Worker, employed by Bradford District Care Trust, who for several years worked alongside my husband, Michael. In September 2013, her younger brother, Richard Lang got a job as an engineer at Babcock Docks in Plymouth, some 325 miles away from their West Yorkshire family home. Rachel's dad, Alex took the photograph shortly before he, his wife, Norma and Richard headed off down to the West Country with his possessions in a hired van. Rachel recalls this poignant embrace and moment of family history/togetherness as if it was only yesterday. Her 6-year-old son, Sam had drawn his uncle Richard a picture and made him some buns. Sam was sad to see him go as Richard was looked upon as a hero in his eyes. Mum and dad managed to hold back the tears, but Rachel was quite distraught. As is tradition in these Bradfordian parts, we Facebookers tend to share our family pics with our families, loved-ones, friends, neighbours and colleagues online, so when Michael showed me the lovely scene, I knew in my heart that it was crying out to be drawn. Rachel very kindly offered the opportunity without hesitation, so the story continues online, thanks to Rachel's dad. Reference source courtesy of Alex Lang - All Rights Reserved. Thanks to the Batemans/Langs for helping me to build up my online gallery presence. It is much appreciated. Throw those curtains wide, as today I unveil my latest drawing!
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