The Week That Was

The Week That Was

The Week That Was

Yet another week has past and I have not been as diligent in my art-making as I could be. I have been working on some more postcards, this time in watercolours. They are studies, if you will, or just practice, using my sketchbook as inspiration, and have duly been dispatched around the poor friends draw the short straw in receiving my art! I have also been sketching people on public transport. Not everyday but most days this week, I still feel a little self-conscious with people looking at me working away. The week before the Thames Barrier that was the object, so it was easier to loose myself in my endeavours. I am not happy with that study, but one can only try and try again. I have sooo far to go in watercolours. Yesterday I went to the V&A to see the "Hats: A Stephen Jones Anthology" with a friend. It was a very interesting exhibition, particularly if you like the subject in question. There were some beautiful creations, and I feel that Mr Jones approaches his chosen profession with much humour and creativity. I even bought a few bits to make my own "hat" for my brother's wedding in late June.... I'll keep you posted on how it turns out. That must have been my first exhibition for a while. But I do love meandering around the V&A; I arrived earlier than my friend so I could have a little wander before we met. I always end up in the tudor galleries (1500-1700s). There are some amazings items to take inspiration from, especially the needlework. And so tomorrow is the end of another week. If I can drag myself out of bed early enough I might make another exhibition before meeting friends for lunch. Well see how that goes....
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