Try to be the Winner

I like to paint ... I like the colours ... By painting forget any bad happening around me I love my country, Greece with the blue sky, the sun and ordinary people is my life ... I love my family is my life...
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The beetroot did eventually peel a little, but not as badly as in some years. I love birds, but am not a fan of magpies - nor are blackbirds, who raise a terrific noise when a magpie comes near. But then, since they take chicks, it's hardly surprising.

Nice one Harry....

Have just been watching a woodpecker attack a telegraph post.

Your holiday sounds fantastic I hope your beetroot colour dosn't peel...that's a lovely story about the thrush birds are such in Western Australia it's the Magpies who come around to feed and the nature people tell us to give them dog food...mind you get out of their way when they have young or you will get your eyes pecked out...they swoop at you and can do damage...when we walked the kids to school we were told to put an ice cream container on their heads with a face painted on it to protect them from the Daughter refused of course so it was heads down and run