The Lazy Hazy Days of Summer...

The Lazy Hazy Days of Summer...

The Lazy Hazy Days of Summer...

After a very slow start to our Kiwi summer way down south here in Dunedin, I can announce it did finally arrive. The last three weeks have been sunny and hot, with acres of blue sky. Things at Owl Cottage have been blooming well. Earlier in February the old plum tree in the front garden put on an amazing show of small red plums. The branches were weighed down with them and after giving some away there was still heaps. Spicy Plum sauce was made, plum chutney, glorious thick fruity syrup to have with ice cream (which was flavoured with star anise and cinnamon, and ended up tasting like morello cherries). I became an expert at pitting plums. The very last of the plums which were over ripe were made into plum fruit leather. They were individually wrapped in waxed paper and plastic wrap, to be eaten when autumn and winter is here. There is something about preserving which I find so enticing, must be the squirrel mentality within me. I always believe in cooking seasonal fruit and vegetables, it makes economically sense. At the moment avocados, aubergines and nectarines are very plentiful. I really fancied a classic Greek Mousakka yesterday, after a couple of weeks of salads. Cooking mousakka isn’t for the let’s prepare a quick dinner peoples. It was a lengthy exercise, but most enjoyable when you smell the aroma of spiced lamb cooking and see the beautifully golden topping as it is lifted from the oven. This last week hasnt been the most productive artistically. The first three weekdays were taken up with going to the local hospital for IV treatment for my rare auto-immune disease Polymyositis. The remainder of the week spent swallowing Neurofen to combat the headache side effects and nausea. I am however feeling the veil has been lifted today and have just been out in the garden with the hose. Ducks appeared from nowhere and they were lightly hosed down too, they didnt object. Ducks are my friends and nest and snooze in the garden, they are my garden assistants (along with my cat Sam). I have a detailed sketch which is the most funny and bizarre of sketches. The NZ Art Guild I am a member of have regular theme challenges. The last fortnights challenge/inspiration was a photo of tomatoes. Hmmm, well I didn’t think this was very inspirational at first, so started to think about ways it could be made more interesting than just a still life of tomatoes. I came up with the idea of creating a place called Tomato Town, yes…it does sound rather mad I admit. I need to create a finished drawing now from my sketched out ideas. I dare say it came about by my memories of reading too many Munch Bunch stories to my children when they were small. I had a most glorious holiday at the end of January with my partner in a beautiful little place in the far north of New Zealand called Kerikeri. It is way up at the top of the North Island, so we flew to the far end of the country where you can experience sub tropical temperatures. We stayed in an eco-cottage which was in 5 acres of lush gardens. I attach a photo of the Old Stone Store which was 5 mins drive away. Waterfalls and beautiful beaches were within easy reach. I think my partner was keen to just stay on and not return home. The down side was one our first night there, the owner forgot to tell us to plug in the anti mosquito device. I was almost eaten alive and the next morning had 32 mosquito bites!!!! I think my soft English skin was irrestible to them and I had an allergic reaction and had to get steroid ointment from the local chemist. Despite the bites, it was an amazing break. When we arrive back home, I found an email from the UK magazine The Leisure Painter, informing me that the Editor had chosen my painting The Green Hat, as his/her favourite for the month. They would like to publish a picture of the painting and a small article on me. I was thrilled. It is scheduled for this March issue. I hope I get to see a copy somehow. I can’t write a blog without a recipe can I? Here is the most delicious recipe for some very lemony muffins which are the perfect partner with a cup of tea, simple and quick to make too. Very Lemony Muffins 2 cups of SR flour ¾ cup sugar 75 grams butter 1 cup milk 1 egg (free range) grated rind of 2 large lemons 1/3 cup lemon juice ¼ cup sugar Put flour and sugar into bowl and mix. Melt butter, add milk, egg and lemon rind, beat well and combine. Add the liquids to the dry ingredients and very lightly combine to mix is dampened. Don’t over mix or you will get tough muffins. Divide mix between 12 med sized muffin pans which have been coated with non-stick spray. Bake at 200C for 10 mins (mine took a little longer). Stir together the lemon juice and sugar without dissolving the sugar and drizzle this over the top of the warm muffins as soon as you removed them from the oven, Gently lever them out when they have cooled slightly and enjoy. I now have a new website domain, you can always contact me through that by the way. I love to talk about arty things and collect favourite recipes. Warm regards to all ~ Anni
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