The End of Summer

The End of Summer

The End of Summer

As it was the last bank holiday week (or at least, until Christmas) and the weather was remarkably pleasant, I naturally spent most of it inside....not doing the garden as I was supposed to. I tried to do some arty bits but feel like I have not achieved much...I don't know where this expectation that I must be as prolific as possible in a finite amount of time comes from, but I have it...I did get some more exercises done but I feel like I should have done more for the amount of time I had. I am attaching one piece that I am rather pleased with...its a sort of landscape as a grid exercise....though I nearly ran through the paper trying to get my new red conte to work...not pleased about that...anyway its very much a mixed media - oil crayon followed by water-soluble oil crayon, then a little bit of spray paint finished off with conte crayons. Hoping everyone is well, and look forward to hearing what you all did the past weekend. K
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